Saturday, March 5, 2011

My New Haircut (Jagerbombs!)

If you don't know that reference (1) stop living under a rock, and (2) watch this clip,

Seriously though, I had to travel to Johannesburg to go to an Italian barber named Pino to get the best haircut of my life...
I walk in and he says "cappuccino or espresso?". No coffee was not an option, just one or the other. So by the time I'm half done with my cappuccino he says "wat u wan me to do?". I tried to explain a fade but we settled on "a 1 and a 2 with no line".

This guinea mother fucker proceeded to give me the best haircut I've ever gotten - cappuccino, followed by face massage by his assistant, then the buzzer, then a hot shave, then he faded it with scissors, followed by a head massage with hot towel, finally finished off with a glass of Italian white wine = $23!

After an afternoon like that DK don't just go back to his hotel room...
Ostrich steak cooked perfectly, amazing bottle of red wine, then 2 Cuban cigars and a bottle of Jack Single Barrel

At the moment life is Good!


  1. I'm sure you were nice and tipsy after all that!! Haha. The salon I used to go to in San Diego served wine. Donna and I would go together and get smashed. It was a great way to get a nice buzz for free and then go out with our new hairstyles! :) Miss you!

  2. LMFAO!!! I always top my happy days off with Ostrich!!! BK
