Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Past Week

Believe it or not I was actually Home for the last 10 days!
This was the first time in the past four years that I sat out the Giants road trip. A few of my boys went out to San Francisco for the Oregon-Stanford & Giants-49ers game. Although I didn't travel, I've by no means been relaxing...
The highlights were Tracy Morgan at The Beacon Theater on Friday night; and the launch party for YTPNY (Young Travel Professionals of New York) last night. This is a new organization that I founded with a few friends in the travel industry. It was awesome! We had about 70 people show up and I obviously had the responsibility of giving the short welcome speech.

Now I'm on my way to Vegas for a conference. Buckley, Jay, Troise & Leeeeeeeeeee will be joining me to make sure I'm not working too hard. I'm supposed to be back on Sunday night, but if you don't hear from me I'm probably six feet under out in the desert somewhere.

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