Wednesday, November 30, 2011

FREE Drinks!

I just got back to my hotel following an incredible night in Hong Kong. We had an awesome sundowner booze cruise on Victoria Harbor with stunning views of the city and sunset. That was followed by an absurdly good dinner at one of the best restaurants in the city.

Last night was awesome; after I arrived I showered and then met up with friends in Lan Kwai Fong (a cool area of Hong Kong full of bars and restaurants). Following a solid pre-game and nice dinner one of my buddies said 'okay let's go drink for free and get shitfaced'. I was obviously on board and figured he knew a bartender somewhere, however this was not the case. We went to a bar called Insomnia that has a special every Tuesday night - give them a business card and drink for free from 9 - 11. Even after reading the sign outside of the bar and my friend's reassurance that it was completely free I was still skeptical. It wasn't until I stumbled out of Insomnia at 11:15 having not spent a dollar (they don't even expect tips!) that I was a believer... Moral of the story = when traveling to Hong Kong make sure you're there on a Tuesday night!

Leaving for the airport at 6:15am tomorrow to catch my flight to Saigon so I'm gonna pass out. Will post again whenever possible.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

35,000 feet x 15 hours = a great flight (believe it or not)

I just arrived in Hong Kong a couple of hours ago, beginning my next adventure. The 15 hour flight on Cathay Pacific was actually awesome - they've replaced all of the seats in Business class since my last trip to the Far East and the new seats are so much better. The food, service and entertainment has always been good on Cathay but this flight was exceptional; the first 8 hours of my flight consisted of a damn good steak & potatoes lunch, about two bottles of wine and the following lineup of movies (none of which I'd ever seen before): Horrible Bosses, Bad Teacher, Bridesmaids, Hangover 2. All four movies were funny but Horrible Bosses was definitely the best of the bunch.
For those of you curious about the last 7hours of the flight - a short nap, 4 episodes of the new season of Curb, Pulp Fiction, some good stir fry, another bottle of wine and some Angry Birds.

I have a short stay in Hong Kong (a day and a half), and then I head to Vietnam. I'm psyched to visit Vietnam and I'll try to come home with all of my limbs...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Honey Badger

This post has one purpose: to share this video with anyone that has not seen it. My man Troise (y'all know Troisee) had no idea what a honey badger was. Once I posted (last month) about the tool that wanted a honey badger on his cheek Troise grew curious b/c he'd never heard of the above mentioned animal. This is what he found (make sure your volume is up):

Happy Thanksgiving!

I apologize for the short hiatus but I was in Las Vegas last week and you know the saying - "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas". That being said, I'll share what I can; and please rest assured - we had a blast (video & photographic evidence is being withheld for obvious reasons).

I got down on a Wed night and had a low key night (CraftSteak dinner followed by drinks and blackjack; home by 3am); Thurs was the conference, followed by the sportsbook for the Jets game and then early too bed. Seriously.
Friday was a 7:30 wakeup, about 7 hours of work, then Tao dinner & club (as per tradition) - no one looked like a friend of ours with AIDS, no one got physically aggressive with our waiter, no one grew fond of a tall douchebag and took approx 24 pictures of him, and no one brought home working girls.
Saturday was a great opportunity for everyone to sleep in - except for me; I was at my conference at 8:30am and saying that I killed it* would be a severe understatement (I'm still not sure if IT* is the conference or my career but either way it was rather funny). Following the conference we went to an absurd dinner during which we saw Suge Knight, Andre Agassi & Steffi Graf, a bunch of NBA players (Lamar Odom, Baron Davis, Kevin Love, etc.). Then we had the best hook up at the best club in all of Vegas - Marquee. To say that our table was ridiculous would be an understatement; to say the night was epic would be selling it short; and to say that I remember more than 50% of it would be just plain silly. The stories are phenomenal but y'all can't hear them b/c 'What Happens in Vegas........

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Past Week

Believe it or not I was actually Home for the last 10 days!
This was the first time in the past four years that I sat out the Giants road trip. A few of my boys went out to San Francisco for the Oregon-Stanford & Giants-49ers game. Although I didn't travel, I've by no means been relaxing...
The highlights were Tracy Morgan at The Beacon Theater on Friday night; and the launch party for YTPNY (Young Travel Professionals of New York) last night. This is a new organization that I founded with a few friends in the travel industry. It was awesome! We had about 70 people show up and I obviously had the responsibility of giving the short welcome speech.

Now I'm on my way to Vegas for a conference. Buckley, Jay, Troise & Leeeeeeeeeee will be joining me to make sure I'm not working too hard. I'm supposed to be back on Sunday night, but if you don't hear from me I'm probably six feet under out in the desert somewhere.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Congrats Mr. & Mrs. Banks!!!

I love New Orleans!
I've just sobered up following a nice 3 day stint in the Big Easy. The weather was perfect, the gumbo delicious and hurricanes still fuck you up!
Went to the Saints game on Sunday with a couple of my boys - Who Dat?!
For my first dinner on Friday night I had a cup of seafood gumbo as a starter with a bowl of chicken & andouille gumbo as an entree.
And spent waaaaaayyyyy too much money on some N'Arlins art.

But the purpose for my visit was to attend Banks' wedding - it was at this gorgeous old creole cottage (complete with slave quarters...) in the warehouse district of New Orleans. They had awesome food and an incredible live jazz band. The venue was awesome! Pictures don't really do it justice, but here are a few of the courtyard area anyway (where the ceremony took place):

Although I admittedly spent about half the wedding upstairs (the only room with a tv) watching LSU-Bama with about a third of the wedding I can assure you that this was an A+ event.
Congrats Brian & Marcie!!!

I can't wait to get back down to the derrty derrty and I hope you can all join me. I'll be flying down in January to celebrate my 30th in one of my favorite cities in the world. A bunch of people have already booked air/hotel - if you haven't and you wanna join in on the debauchery hit me up.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Time flies when you're ..... well, flying

Believe it or not, today marks the one year anniversary of my first post. Appropriately enough I'm writing this entry from - wait for it - an airport bar.
Two things amaze me about Donde Esta DK:
1) I'm still writing - I really thought this thing would be dead after a month or two
2) You're still reading - as of this morning this blog has gotten 2,329 hits!

The last year of my life has been an incredible journey and I just want to thank you for coming along for the ride.

By the way, I'm on my way to New Orleans for Banks' wedding. I'm sure the first post of year two will be entertaining.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Some Dubai Pictures

I finally started getting some photos from the other people that were on my most recent trip with me.
Here's me as a camel-jockey, along with the honey badger loving, terrible movie going dude that was part of my group:

Another image of this dude - after looking at this photo guess who I thought he reminded me of; answer at the bottom of the post - don't cheat and scroll down before making a guess... (hint - an older version of someone who plays a very small role in a great comedy)

Here's a couple of pics of the most iconic building in all of Dubai - The Burj al Arab:

Here's a shot of the tallest building in the world (more than double the height of the Empire State Building), the Burj al Khalifa; and then some pictures of the views of Dubai from the observation deck. The city below looks fake, like a model, and you can see how it's just desert and the Arabian Sea beyond the city limits.

And now for our trivia answer: Miroki from Superbad!!!

Michael Cera & Roger Iwami