Friday, October 21, 2011

Riding in Style

After our brief visit to Victoria Falls we headed back to Johannesburg aboard Rovos Rail, the most luxurious train in the world. To describe myself as pampered aboard the train during the 3 day journey would be an extreme understatement. We drank great South African wines and Jack from about 10am - midnight each day, enjoyed gourmet meals, and watched the beautiful southern Africa landscape pass by as we made our way from Zimbabwe through Botswana to South Africa. The staff is so attentive and friendly that I'm pretty sure one of them would've wiped my ass had I asked.
When we arrived Johannesburg I said goodbye to my group (more to come on them, especially the one real winner, in a future post) as they made their way to the airport to head back to the USA. I had a few more days in South Africa to tend to other business (not drugs or blood diamonds........ Unfortunately).

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