Monday, May 9, 2011

Caffeine Please

This is one of the gayest things I've ever said: I'd kill someone for a Starbucks right now!
After 4 straight days of serious drinking I'm writing this post from on board my British Airways plane (pre-takeoff of course) from Durban to Johannesburg. I was out until 3:10am last night and had a 4am wakeup call this morning to catch my 4:45am ride to the airport. After many attempts, or so claims the front desk, I answered my phone at 5:10am. Following the quickest packing and wash-up in the history of humankind & an extra hundred rand (approx US$15) to my cab driver I just made my flight. I'm still hammered however and feel like death and really need an iced coffee (believe it or not, that can't be purchased in Durban airport).
On top of all that, I managed to lose my South African cell phone - weird...
This is the first of 4 flights today: Durban - Johannesburg - Gaborone - Maun - Grasslands Bushman Camp in the Central Kalahari. As much as I'm dreading the trip I'm real fired up to go back to Botswana!

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