Sunday, November 14, 2010


My new Favorite city! Shanghai is the financial capital of China and it’s a legit Western style city located in Eastern China. Lots of incredible modern restaurants, some cool bars and clubs and tons of shopping – both huge department stores and small markets where you can get incredible deals if you possess bargaining skills like me.

Funny Story: We were told by our host never to pay more than 30% of the asking price in the markets. So after about 45 minutes walking around, one brilliant member of my group comes over to me and the following conversation takes place:
Guest: "I getting really good at this bargain thing"
DK: "Oh yeah, what did you get?"
Guest: While holding up a bag, "He ask for 180 for dress, but I get two"
DK: "So you got 2 dresses for 180? You could have done better; that's only 50% off."
Guest: "No. I get 2 of dress for for 180. That's what he wanted for 1. That WAY more than 50%, that very good"
DK, now speechless (i know that's rare), walks away shaking his head.

I kid you not, this went down. And yes she was Vietnamese so I hope you read her part with a broken english Asian accent...

Finally, we can file this under my 'I Love Foreigners' file:

Thanks for translating the unimportant part of the sign!

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