Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Commies no longer seem that bad...

... after spending time in Philly. Yes Cerasoli, Brennan, Zese, Muneer and I went down to Philly for the Eagles/Giants game. Although I was disappointed with the outcome of the game I was pleased to experience first-hand how overhyped Philly fans are. The most threatened that I felt the entire weekend was by a 25 year old girl in a bar on Saturday night after one member of our party informed her that she was a second-class citizen. She was furious, but nothing a little DK sweet talk and a cocktail couldn't smooth over. Sure we got yelled at while at the game in our Giants jerseys, but I never really felt threatened at all.

The Philly Marathon also happened to be this weekend and that provided us with the Clown of the Weekend (I only wish that I was quicker with my camera so I had more footage):

How did the family walking by Barney the Dinosaur not do a double take???

Finally, one of the funniest moments of all time was Monday morning on Amtrak on the way home.
I was sitting at the front of the car near the bathroom. We hit a bump and the bathroom door slides open to reveal this big Carl Winslow looking MoFo sitting on the shitter with his pants at his ankles. I haven't laughed that hard in years...

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