Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Airport Boozin'

If you know me, then you know that I like booze. If you're reading this blog, then you know me. Therefore if you're reading this blog, you know that I like booze. That's the transitive property bitches!
That being said, I'm constantly in awe of human being's drinking habits at airports. I've spent a lot of time at airports (if you didn't know that, this is probably your first time visiting dondeestadk) and I never cease to be amazed at how much alcohol people consume in the shortest amounts of time just before boarding an 80 ton metal bird.
I'm sitting at an airport bar in Houston as I write this post. I'm on my third Stella and I've been here for just over an hour. The guy next to me sat down when I was about halfway through my second beer and he's on his 4th Grey Goose rocks. The guy next to him had 3 double Captain & cokes in a span of no more than 15 minutes. These aren't 'kids' going to Vegas; they're individual travelers heading home or going somewhere on business - trust me, they'll give you their ATM code if you just ask after 4 gooses...
No moral to this story, just an observation of a pattern that I've seen over the last year and a half. If you're looking for entertainment and/or just want to be a little amazed show up at the airport early before your next trip, pull up a barstool, watch and listen.


  1. Come on Dave... be honest... only 3 Stella's? Bec

  2. Ironically, I just went to Vegas and managed to consume 6 double dewars in under 25 minutes prior to boarding. I wish you were there because I felt the feat was worthy of a slow clap
