Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Following our great Roman adventure we took a train to Florence.
Mikey - you ready to go to Florence?
We stayed in this real cool boutique hotel, however there were members of our group that were convinced that it was haunted and spent the 48 hours in Florence living in fear.
Florence is a beautiful city with gorgeous architecture and it's built for walking. We spent a majority of our two days there walking around and boozing & eating at cafes.

While walking we saw some interesting things, including but not limited to:
A bicycle that didn't get me anywhere (yeah I'm sucking on a Chupa Chup, what of it?):

Some nice art - this is me trying to get head from a head:

And, Kyle Style! Our buddy Kyle enjoyed holding himself up horizontally on street signs. This street sign happened to be perfect b/c the sign is like the opposite of what he's doing:

Kyle did this on a lightpost in Rome and his legs almost got clipped by a bus - so comical and scary all at the same time!
After appertivos and drinks at this awesome spot called Moyo, we had a nice dinner and lots of wine. Then we attempted to go to a club that we had heard a lot about, Central Park. After about an hour of trying to get a cab I decided that I'd have a better go at it on my own - bad call. I wandered the streets for awhile and got some more cocktails before finally getting to the club (about a half hour after the other guys had arrived). The effort was well worth it; this club was SICK!
Somehow Mike, Mike & I managed to get into the VIP room where we hung out with a group of American girls that were studying abroad. We got shitty until the wee hours of the night and then returned to our hotel and called it a night.

Our second day in Florence was spent pretty much the same as the first - lots of walking and drinking with some eats worked in. The food in Florence was by far the best. During the day, at cafes, we ate lots of pizza and Florence did pizza well!

On our second night we went to dinner at a restaurant that came highly recommended by a lot of people (both Americans & Italians), Giostra. It did not disappoint - this was the best meal of the entire trip! The manager said that they are looking into opening one in NY. If they ever do I can assure you that I'll be there for the opening.

Following dinner we decided to go back to Central Park - if it ain't broke don't fix it; besides it was Thursday night so it had to be even better than a Wednesday, right? It was fucking closed!!! Not cool. So we asked the cab driver if there was anything else similar that we could go to. He told us that he had just the spot - after a 5 minute cab ride we roll up to a different club - closed! The cab driver told us that there was one other place but it was about 20 minutes away. We had no other option so we told him to take us and held our breaths that it would be open. Great Call!
We arrived at a place called Flo. Initially the bouncer didn't let us in b/c I was wearing an undershirt (not even kidding), but after all of that effort we were not getting denied. We agreed to get a table and bottle service and all of a sudden my attire was a non-issue...
I liked Central Park better, but Flo was freaking awesome too - we had a ridiculous night, met some cool people, and the manager from Giostra even showed up and chilled with us for awhile.

One of the chicks that I was talking to was French - things were going real well until she told me that she wanted to 'piss on me'. Not kidding, those were her exact words. The pure terror in my face combined with the uncontrollable laughter from Buckley made for an unforgettable experience for all that witnessed it.
In case you're wondering what a golden shower faucet looks like, see below:

They made last call and put on Coolio's Gangsta Paradise - to which we all wiled the fuck out - and just like that our last night in Italy was over.
After some lunch and last minute shopping the following day we all said Ciao to Italy with a heavy heart.

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