Friday, February 4, 2011

My Favorite Kenya Videos

I took 72 videos during my last trip, but I've narrowed them down to my favorite 3. In no particular order, here they go - I HOPE YOU ENJOY!

This first one is a lone elephant that thought we were a little too close. He never charged, but did give us a little warning and then shows us what he thinks of us at the very end:

Here's a lion that approached us upon finishing eating a zebra and took a liking to me (can you blame him?). This was the only time my guide looked genuinely concerned/worried. It's a bad sign if a lion looks you in the eye and an even worse sign if the tail starts wagging --- I hadn't known that prior to this encounter...

Finally, this brings us to one of the coolest things I've ever watched in all of my life. 5 female lions (including the girl above) killed a zebra. As they were eating some hyenas picked up the scent. The hyenas mounted their attack to steal the food and the resulting video is the good part of the fight (make sure your sound is on).

I have lots more videos from my entire trip, including 9 or 10 more from the above battle (the build up to the altercation and post-fight press conferences, etc.). Feel free to drop me an email if you wanted to check anything else out and I'll be happy to send you the other videos.

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