Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Zimbabwe - Dry Season

During my trip I visited Zimbabwe for a few days. I've been to Zimbabwe several times before, but never in October/November; I'd only been in March/April/May. The difference is incredible!
All of Africa has seasons based on rainfall and the amount of available water - this greatly effects/dictates the life of both humans and animals. The best way to illustrate the difference is with some short videos.
Here are 2 videos from the exact same viewpoint at Victoria Falls, the world's largest waterfall and one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

Victoria Falls, March 2011:

Victoria Falls, October 2011:

I think it's apparent that March is the height of the 'wet' season and October is when Zimbabwe is at it's driest. This also greatly effects the wildlife. During wet season water is readily available anywhere so it's more difficult to see animals (additionally, all of the plants are green and full which hides them). However during dry season animals must travel to the few areas where there is permanent water. This results in huge groups/herds of animals being very easy to find. As I said in an earlier post I saw about 1,000 elephants in just two days. Here's a video with some of my elephant footage:

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