Friday, March 11, 2011

It's Been Awhile...

... Since I've been able to access internet, but I have been writing short posts over the past few days and they're pasted below.

Wine & Wildlife!
Monday March 7

What an incredible start to my trip - just spent the last two days at Savanna Lodge on the BEST safari of my life (yes that's a bold statement but there's not even a close second). You go on safari to see animals; and animals we saw. Lions, leopards, elephants, wild dogs, rhinos, cheetahs, buffalo, tons of antelope - and that was all on ONE game drive! The quality of some of these sightings was indescribable, including baby lion cubs, a lion eating an impala, a leopard catching a duiker (small antelope), and many other things that I'll never forget. I wish I could upload pictures and videos from my iPad, but I'll be sure to post some incredible shots as soon as I'm back in the states.

Besides the animals, there's the people, rooms and food. I couldn't have asked for better - food & rooms are five star, and all of the staff and other guests were incredibly fun and nice. And by the way, holy crap is South African wine amazing (although there might not be much of it left after the work my new Kiwi friend and I did at the bar, haha).

Now it's off to Zimbabwe for 4 nights, and although I won't be out on safari I'm very much looking forward to visiting this beautiful and once prosperous nation again!

Surprise Company
Thursday March 10

Following an awesome 2 hour bush walk (on which we saw giraffes, zebra, water buck, impala, etc.), I decided to take advantage of my sweet outdoor shower in my tent. While washing in the morning sun I heard some rustling in the leaves of the tree above me. I looked up only to find a huge gray trunk that happened to be attached to a fairly large female elephant. To say that I was shocked is an understatement... The elephant must have been about six feet away from me but I realized that she was just enjoying her breakfast so I finished my shower and went back in my room. An unbelievable, and certainly unforgettable, experience!
Only in Africa...

Mmmmmmmmm Bebop & Pumba
Thursday March 10

So I've had warthog for dinner two of the last three nights.
I know that doesn't sound good, but it was phenomenal!
Nothing too special but I thought some people might find it interesting (and/or gross).

Here's a photo from one of the restaurants where I had warthog, The Boma. they come around and do face-painting and you play the drums; it's good times!

1 comment:

  1. oh man and Elephant in your shower! I would have freaked! I'm so glad your having a such good time. I miss you! <3 Kara*
    PS bring me back a bottle of the wine! I like wine.
