Saturday, November 13, 2010

F**K Communism!

So I’m not at all religious and I pay very little, if any, attention to politics, but G-D Bless democracy, the bill of rights and freedom of speech. I haven’t posted anything to my blog in nearly a week because once I got to mainland China my web access became extremely limited.
I asked my guide why I was unable to access my blog and he explained that in China the internet is heavily regulated – you are not allowed to visit YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. – and blogs are barely legal. If you are granted permission by a government agency to have a blog it is then monitored and regulated by the government. This is just one of the ways that the communist regime prevents citizens from freely expressing their opinions and beliefs. Crazy stuff!

Okay, Dave just got serious for a minute – sorry about that, probably won’t happen again in the history of this blog but I found that really nuts and thought it was worth mentioning…

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