Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I've spent the last 10 days in Scottsdale with the family. It's been a very relaxing, booze-filled stretch and I'm beyond thankful that I got out of New York before that nasty storm. It's been between 65 - 75 every day that I've been here and today's the first day that it's rained (you know I had to rub that in).

Hands down the best part of my time here has been playing with my niece, Sarah. She's so smart and easily the cutest thing in the world, but I'll let you be the judge of that:

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fievel (Actually DK) Goes West

I'm heading out to Scottsdale, Arizona this afternoon. Can't wait to get out of the cold!
Will be out there through the end of the year and I'm pretty psyched about it.

Happy Holidays to all and LET'S GO G-MEN!!!!

N'Arlins Recap

I've been back in NY for a couple of days and I'm almost recovered from my New Orleans trip... This trip included: Bourbon St, strip clubs, casinos, hurricanes, big ass beers, gumbo, red beans and rice, Tulane, Jacques-imo's, Pat O'Brien's and lots more. No specific story stands out but there are a couple of videos that I feel obligated to share.

This is my favorite video for two reasons - (1) you can see that New Orleans has made it back as a tourist destination since Katrina b/c Bourbon is packed, and (2) it shows the fun-loving, ridiculous attitude/spirit that all New Orleanians share.
Something went down on Bourbon which required fire trucks, police, etc. so cars were unable to move. Now, if this went down in NY you'd hear horns & cursing, but not in The Big Easy...

This guy turned off his engine, got out of his car and got busy. Love it!

This video comes from a 'new' bar on Bourbon St. called Bourbon Cowboy. I think they told the chick that the longer she held on to the bull the more meat she got to take home when they took it to slaughter.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

New Fuckin' Orleans

WOW! There's no other (or better) way to put this than - I LOVE New Orleans!
Most of my escapades didn't allow me to take video and I'm too shit-faced to elaborate on what's gone on but again - I LOVE this city and there'll be more to follow...

Friday, December 10, 2010

Back to the Big Easy!!!

It's 5:30am and I'm in a town car on the way to JFK for my flight to N'Arlins. I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve - dying with anticipation as it's now been the longest stretch between NOLA visits for me since 2000 (13 months).
Yes, I put on beads at 5 this morning on my way to the biggest conference of the year - would you expect anything else???