Monday, January 31, 2011

Heading Home

I'm back to civilization (Nairobi) for a few hours. Heading to a meeting with a client, then a farewell dinner at a restaurant called Carnivore - a sick Brazilian style churrascaria that serves everything from chicken to beef to ostrich to crocodile... After dinner I go straight to the airport to fly Nairobi - Dubai - NY.
This has been an unforgettable trip to a beautiful country. The people are great and the wildlife is second to none. As soon as I'm home I'll post videos and pictures of some of the stuff I've seen, including a battle royale between 5 lions and about 20 hyenas!

That's all I got for now bc I have to run to my meeting, but I'm back on Tuesday evening.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Greetings from the Equator!

No joke - as I write this the right side of me is in the Southern hemisphere (along with a Jack rocks) and my left side is in the Northern hemisphere (with a Tusker beer). My freakin' hotel is built on the equator, which runs directly through the center of the bar, at the foot of Mt. Kenya.
Here's a picture from a stop on the equator earlier today:

I've already done/seen some pretty cool shit and my host is a lush so we're getting our whole group nice and toasted on a nightly basis.

So far we've seen some good animals - highlighted by a herd of elephants with a few really young calfs and wild Colobus monkeys in the rain forests of Mount Kenya. I've also fed bongos, impala and monkeys at this cool animal orphanage (below); busted a freestyle to a Samburu tribe's beat at a bush dinner (outdoors in the middle of nowhere); and saw one of the only Zebroids in the world - it's a crossbreed of a horse and zebra - really weird looking.

Well I've got to get back to my drinks and then put some aloe on my sunburn. I hope you're enjoying the winter weather and I'll write again the next time I'm near civilization and have Internet access. Peace Suckas!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Back to the Motherland!

Africa, not Israel you Jews...
After a LONG, but comfortable (business class on Emirates!) journey I'm in Nairobi, Kenya. After breakfast we start our safari adventure - very excited. Hopefully I'll have some great stories and videos/pictures after this one and I'll try not to get eaten by anything.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

L.A. L.A. Big City of Dreams...

I spent New Year's Eve in LA with Rasta. The only appropriate word for the weekend is EPIC (credit Rasta for that one). From coffee in Compton to lunch in Beverly Hills, Big Black Booties in spandex to Fags in Furs, Ballin' like Vinny Chase in Hollywood to run-ins with the LAPD, no seriously see below.
We managed to do quite a bit of work in 2 short days.

The Biggest Gang in LA: